Using S3 Storage and ClickHouse: Basic and Advanced Wizardry

Using S3 Storage and ClickHouse: Basic and Advanced Wizardry

S3-compatible object storage can reduce cost and improve flexibility in ClickHouse analytics. This talk helps develop the legerdemain to use it well. We’ll start with standard use patterns like tiered storage and archiving to Parquet. Next, we’ll dig into the…

Cut Compute Costs by Scaling ClickHouse Servers to Zero on Kubernetes

Cut Compute Costs by Scaling ClickHouse Servers to Zero on Kubernetes

Learn how to significantly reduce compute costs for ClickHouse servers on Kubernetes by leveraging the Altinity Kubernetes Operator. Discover the ‘stop: yes’ property to turn off ClickHouse pods, preserve storage, and save money on business-hours-only clusters.