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Popular webinars

Altinity Video

ClickHouse Tips and Tricks

<strong>ClickHouse Tips and Tricks</strong>
08:10 – Read S3 data fast with wildcards and named collections
15:25 – Reduce storage size using codecs and compression
24:30 – Repeat time column in ORDER BY to speed up time-based queries
32:55 – Handle mutable data with ReplacingMergeTree
41:40 – Store RBAC model in zookeeper (or clickhouse keeper)
48:10 – Use aggregation to simulate joins

Altinity Video

6 Ways to Save Money on ClickHouse

6 Ways to Save Money on ClickHouse
9:24 – Develop on 100% open source
15:50 – Tune Apps to limit resource usage
21:23 – Use TTLs to limit data growth
27:09 – Use tiered storage for older data
34:32 – Scale compute capacity down when not needed
42:00 – Use cheaper resources

Quick Tutorials

Altinity Tutorials

Altinity.Cloud Quick Start Tutorial

<strong>Altinity.Cloud Quick Start Tutorial</strong>
In this managed ClickHouse videos series, you will learn how to:
– Create and log into an Altinity.Cloud account
– Create your first ClickHouse cluster in Altinity.Cloud
– Use the Altinity.Cloud Cluster Explore feature
– Use the Access Point Feature

Altinity Tutorials

Altinity Kubernetes Operator For ClickHouse

Altinity Kubernetes Operator For ClickHouse
In this series of Kubernetes tutorials, you will learn how to:
– Install the ClickHouse-operator
– Start your first cluster using Kubernetes Operator
– Set up replicas for your ClickHouse clusters
– Set up persistent storage for your ClickHouse cluster

Video series

Altinity Webinar Series

ClickHouse Performance Explained

<strong>ClickHouse Performance Explained</strong>
Some of the videos in this series:
1. Petabyte-Scale Data in Real-Time: ClickHouse, S3 Object Storage, and Data Lakes
2. ClickHouse Performance Master Class – Tools and Techniques to Speed up any ClickHouse App
3. ClickHouse Data Management Internals — Understanding MergeTree Storage, Merges, and Replication

Altinity Webinar Series

The Magic of ClickHouse, Kubernetes, & Open Source

The Magic of ClickHouse, Kubernetes, & Open Source
Some of the videos in this series:
1. How to Build a Low-Cost, High-Performance Analytic Platform with Kubernetes & Open Source
2. 8 developer tricks for running ClickHouse on Kubernetes
3. Keeping Your Cloud Native Data Safe: A Common-Sense Guide to Kubernetes, ClickHouse, and Security

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