Altinity Plans and Features


Altinity.Cloud® in our cloud

Altinity handles every aspect of ClickHouse® operation

Altinity.Cloud® in your VPC

Altinity provides automation. User owns data and operating environment


Altinity provides Enterprise Support. User handles every aspect of ClickHouse®
Operating Environment
AWS, GCP, and Azure clouds
Kubernetes Environments  
VMs or physical hardware    
Application Design Assistance
Scheduled calls with Altinity experts
Performance optimization
Altinity.Cloud Manager  
Vertical and horizontal scaling  
ClickHouse security management  
Backup and DR policies  
Proactive monitoring  
Altinity manages all infrastructure    
Altinity manages cloud account    
Altinity manages environment security policies    
User owns data – easy migration path  
User owns cloud account  
User owns security policies  
Analytics stack 100% open source
Easy migration to other environments
Zendesk and Slack communications
Development, deployment, and prod support
Enterprise SLAs
  Best for orgs focused on applications who do not want to manage any infrastructure Best for orgs that want cloud management experience while still exercising full control over data Best for orgs with custom operational needs and in-house ability to manage infrastructure

Altinity.Cloud – Full Features List

Cloud Provider Support
  • Run in any AWS region
  • Run in any GCP region

  • Run in any Azure region
Altinity.Cloud Manager (ACM)
  • Easy-to-use ClickHouse cluster launch wizard
  • Rescale wizard for quick vertical/horizontal scaling
  • Cluster dashboard incl. latest backup, last query & insert, replication status & more
  • Node dashboard with server and schema management tools
  • Connectivity panel with connection URLs
  • Editing of users and profiles
  • Set/Unset ClickHouse configuration variables
  • Query explorer for SQL requests
  • Schema management tools
  • Datadog log integration
  • Fast addition/removal of shards and replicas
  • Scale servers up or down to any instance size
  • Increase allocated storage in minutes
  • Storage configuration optimized for I/O bandwidth
  • Standard instance types vetted for cost-efficient performance
  • User configurable instance types
  • Built-in displays to check compression efficiency
  • Query log with recent/slow queries
Security and Privacy
  • SOC 2 Type II certified operation
  • VPC endpoints for private networking with applications
  • Per-tenant Kubernetes environments – no sharing
  • ClickHouse connections TLS-encrypted with strong passwords
  • At-rest ClickHouse data encryption
  • Google Auth support for cloud management logins
  • Flexible and granular authorization model
  • User control of Altinity access to system tables and data
ClickHouse Versions and Portability
  • Run ClickHouse community or Altinity Stable builds
  • 100% open source ClickHouse software
  • 100% compatibility between Altinity.Cloud and installed ClickHouse versions
  • 100% open source Kubernetes data plane using Altinity Operator for ClickHouse
  • Migration between Altinity.Cloud and self-managed ClickHouse
ClickHouse Availability and DR
  • ClickHouse replicas spread across multiple availability zones
  • Rolling upgrades of ClickHouse servers
  • Automatic backup of ClickHouse data
  • On-demand restore of entire ClickHouse server or single tables
Monitoring and Alerting
  • Cluster monitoring pages incl. cluster metrics, queries, logs
  • User-configurable alerts for exceptional conditions
  • Proactive monitoring by Altinity Support
Enterprise Support
  • Efficient communication via Zendesk and Slack
  • Answer questions about application design
  • Show how to integrate with event streams (Kafka/RedPanda/Pulsar)
  • Show how to integrate with BI tools and client libraries
  • Provide recommendations on performance tuning
  • Solve production problems
  • Provide advice on scaling and upgrading production systems
  • SLAs for response times backed by performance penalties
Billing and Cost Containment
  • Credit card or invoice-based billing
  • Billing page with current and past spending report
  • Uptime schedules to turn off servers when not in use
  • Automatic discounts as usage increases

Ready to Get Started? 

Altinity.Cloud is for any developer who wants to try out ClickHouse quickly and develop new analytic applications. It takes care of ClickHouse management, allowing developers to focus on getting applications to work.

Please consider Altinity.Cloud if you tick any of these boxes:

  • Looking for complete automation of ClickHouse
  • Looking to make your analytic development as productive as possible without hiring new people
  • Looking for the fastest path to deliver high-value analytic applications
  • Want an open platform that will give you freedom to grow in any direction

Not Quite Ready Yet But Need ClickHouse Support? Let’s Talk!

We have helped hundreds of customers worldwide design and deploy creative applications running on everything from embedded software appliances to massive cloud deployments.

  • Want to tune schema and queries for sub-second response? 
  • Having a production problem with Kafka or ZooKeeper? 
  • Hitting a bug in ClickHouse? 
  • Want to scale your ClickHouse cluster beyond 1 or 2 nodes?

Altinity provides support and services to translate advanced ClickHouse technology to working, powerful analytic applications. 
From upfront education to 24/7 support, we have everything you need to be successful with ClickHouse, wherever and however you decide to run it. Contact us today and let’s talk!