Altinity.Cloud Pricing for ClickHouse®

Start for free with the most flexible managed solution for ClickHouse. Scale effortlessly as you grow.

Our Cloud or Yours

You are in full control. You decide where, when, and how your ClickHouse clusters run.

icon people

Expert Support

We know the ins-and-outs of ClickHouse. We are the second-largest contributors to ClickHouse, following the original authors.

open source icon

100% Open Source Clickhouse

We run 100% open source ClickHouse, so you won’t be locked-in.

Service Type

Select an Altinity service type to get started.
Altinity handles every aspect of ClickHouse operation: data, infrastructure, management.
Altinity manages ClickHouse. User owns data and infrastructure.
Est. Monthly Total:
Available On:
AWS GCP Azure Amazon EKS Google GKE Azure AKS

Cluster 1

– Remove
Add Cluster

Pricing Breakdown (Altinity.Cloud)


Est Compute Cost $0
Est Storage Cost $0
Est Backup Cost $0
Monthly Total:
(Complete Service)

Pricing Breakdown (Altinity.Cloud Anywhere)


Est Compute Cost $0
Est Storage Cost $0
Est Backup Cost $0
Monthly Total:
(Paid to Cloud Provider)


Altinity Support cost $0
Management cost / VCPU $0
Monthly Total:
(Paid to Altinity)

Researching managed vendors for ClickHouse?

Altinity.Cloud offers a variety of discounts, including an automatic discount as monthly spending rises, plus bigger discounts in return for prepayment. You can read more here.

We do not bill for costs or services that you cannot see and control. You only pay for what you use.

Altinity.Cloud in our cloud

What we charge for: 

  • Cloud compute for ClickHouse
  • Block storage for databases
  • Object storage for backups
  • Support fee per active server

What we don’t charge for:

  • Inactive servers 
  • Zookeeper
  • Network transfer fees
  • Any other service that you can’t see

Altinity.Cloud in your VPC

What we charge for: 

  • Number of active servers
  • Support fee per active server
  • Number of vCPUs per server

What we don’t charge for:

  • Storage (no matter how much)
  • Inactive servers 
  • Zookeeper
  • Network transfer fees
  • Any non-ClickHouse service

Have questions about pricing?