Fixing the Dreaded ClickHouse® Crash Loop on Kubernetes

Fixing the Dreaded ClickHouse® Crash Loop on Kubernetes

As countless ClickHouse users have learned, Kubernetes is a great platform for data. It’s portable to almost every IT environment. But there’s still the occasional dark cloud. One of these is pod crash loops, which arise when a ClickHouse pod…

Lessons on Building Analytic Applications with Altinity.Cloud®

Lessons on Building Analytic Applications with Altinity.Cloud®

2021 has been a great year for Altinity.Cloud. Altinity.Cloud users have grown to almost a third of our subscription customers. So what have we learned? In this article, I would like to call out three points for anyone working on…

My First ClickHouse® Cluster on GCP

My First ClickHouse® Cluster on GCP

As regular readers of this blog are aware, Altinity.Cloud now supports Google Cloud Platform, also known as GCP. I recently took the new capability out for a spin to see what it’s like to run ClickHouse there.

OSA Con 2021 Content is Online. See You in 2022!

OSA Con 2021 Content is Online. See You in 2022!

OSA Con 2021, our first conference dedicated to open source analytics, is a wrap. We had a great conference with 22 talks by 31 presenters. I’m delighted that we could bring together so many different projects and applications under a…

Meet the Open Source Analytics Community at OSA Con on Nov 2

Meet the Open Source Analytics Community at OSA Con on Nov 2

Our goal was to bring together a diverse set of presentations from the entire open source analytic community, rather than focusing on single projects or applications. We’ve succeeded and here’s just a sample of talks you’ll hear.