Webinar: ClickHouse Monitoring 101. What to monitor and how

Webinar: ClickHouse Monitoring 101. What to monitor and how

You are about to deploy ClickHouse into production. Congratulations! But what about monitoring? In this webinar we will introduce how to track the health of individual ClickHouse nodes as well as clusters. We’ll describe available monitoring data, how to collect…

Webinar. ClickHouse Materialized Views. The Magic Continues

Webinar. ClickHouse Materialized Views. The Magic Continues

Materialized views are the killer feature of ClickHouse, and the Altinity 2019 webinar on how they work was very popular. Watch this replay to learn how to use materialized views to speed up queries hundreds of times. We’ll cover basic…

Creating Beautiful Grafana Dashboards on ClickHouse: a Tutorial

Creating Beautiful Grafana Dashboards on ClickHouse: a Tutorial

Dec 28, 2019Grafana is a popular tool to create dashboards of time series data. It features outstanding graphics, interactive displays that zoom in on data, and support for a wide range of data sources.  It turns out that one of…

Connecting Excel to ClickHouse using the Windows ODBC driver

Connecting Excel to ClickHouse using the Windows ODBC driver

Many years ago a wise customer once said, “every report wants to be an Excel spreadsheet when it grows up!” I have always had a soft spot for Excel–it’s one of the most useful programs that Microsoft ever released. To…

Webinar: Tips and tricks every ClickHouse user should know.

Webinar: Tips and tricks every ClickHouse user should know.

New users of ClickHouse love the speed but may run into a few surprises when designing applications. Column storage turns classic SQL design precepts on their heads. This talk shares our favorite tricks for building great applications. We’ll talk about…

Altinity and ClickHouse at KubeCon 2019

Altinity and ClickHouse at KubeCon 2019

The Altinity team just returned from sponsoring at KubeCon North America in San Diego November 19-21. I would like to thank all the people who visited our booth, especially current customers and ClickHouse users. It’s starting to be a real…

ClickHouse October Community Events

ClickHouse October Community Events

October has been a busy month for the ClickHouse community and Altinity. We sponsored and presented at three community events in the first 9 days of October. Here’s a quick rundown of each one with links to interesting presentations.

Altinity Has Joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Altinity Has Joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

It is my pleasure to announce that Altinity is now a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). We will also be a sponsor at Kubecon/CloudNativeCon North America 2019 in San Diego 18-21 November.