Announcing Updates to 21.1 and 21.8 Altinity Stable® Builds

Announcing Updates to 21.1 and 21.8 Altinity Stable® Builds

Read the latest updates to 21.1 and 21.8 Altinity Stable Builds for ClickHouse | built in a secure environment and signed and maintained for three years. You’ll find a security update to the release and changes to Community Build…

Too Wide or Not Too Wide | That is the ClickHouse® Question

Too Wide or Not Too Wide | That is the ClickHouse® Question

When it comes to ClickHouse, how many columns are too many? 100 columns? 5,000 columns? In our latest experiment, we put 10,000 columns to test using some configuration tweaks and enough memory. Click to find out what happened!

Loading 100B Rows in Minutes in Altinity.Cloud®

Loading 100B Rows in Minutes in Altinity.Cloud®

A few weeks ago the SingleStore team published interesting research in their blog. They demonstrated how to load 100 billion rows in a database in 10 minutes. While it did not seem outstanding for ClickHouse, we were intrigued to learn…

ClickHouse® Black Magic: Skipping Indices

ClickHouse® Black Magic: Skipping Indices

ClickHouse indices are different from traditional relational database management systems. Instead, ClickHouse uses secondary ‘skipping’ indices. Those are often confusing and hard to tune even for experienced ClickHouse users. In this article we will dive into skipping indices and learn…

Turning Pages of 2021

Turning Pages of 2021

2021 was so far the best year for Altinity and ClickHouse. Sitting with a glass of wine in front of the fire and overlooking the Christmas tree or a snowstorm behind the icy window, let’s remember what has happened.

Altinity.Cloud® Extends Managed ClickHouse® to ARM

Altinity.Cloud® Extends Managed ClickHouse® to ARM

ARM processors are hot. Amazon AWS and Apple have been building their own ARM processors for a few years already. Today we are happy to announce the first ever managed ClickHouse on ARM!

Ultra-Fast Data Loading and Testing in Altinity.Cloud®

Ultra-Fast Data Loading and Testing in Altinity.Cloud®

Learn how you can load and test ClickHouse datasets with lightning speed and leverage the power of cloud operation with this Altinity.Cloud tutorial. PS…You’ll find it’s really easy too!

Altinity.Cloud® Extends to GCP

Altinity.Cloud® Extends to GCP

We launched Altinity.Cloud a year ago, providing the first-ever fully managed ClickHouse service in AWS. Since then we have continued to improve the product. Today, we are happy to announce Altinity.Cloud at Google Compute Platform, the first-ever multi-cloud managed ClickHouse…

ClickHouse® Altinity Stable 21.8

ClickHouse® Altinity Stable 21.8

Today we annouce ClickHouse Altinity Stable release 21.8. This release is a significant upgrade since the previous Altinity Stable release. It includes 1472 pull requests from 224 contributors. Continue reading for full release notes.

Tips for High-Performance ClickHouse® Clusters with S3 Object Storage

Tips for High-Performance ClickHouse® Clusters with S3 Object Storage

ClickHouse often runs in a cluster, and cluster operation poses some interesting questions regarding S3 usage. They include parallelizing data load across nodes, benefits of horizontal vs. vertical scaling, and avoiding unnecessary replication. In this article, we will discuss how…