Using Joins in ClickHouse® Materialized Views

Using Joins in ClickHouse® Materialized Views

ClickHouse materialized views provide a powerful way to restructure data in ClickHouse. We have discussed their capabilities many times in webinars, blog articles, and conference talks. One of the most common follow-on questions we receive is whether materialized views can…

Webinar. ClickHouse® Materialized Views. The Magic Continues

Webinar. ClickHouse® Materialized Views. The Magic Continues

Materialized views are the killer feature of ClickHouse, and the Altinity 2019 webinar on how they work was very popular. Watch this replay to learn how to use materialized views to speed up queries hundreds of times. We’ll cover basic…

ClickHouse® Materialized Views Illuminated, Part 2

ClickHouse® Materialized Views Illuminated, Part 2

In the previous blog post on materialized views, we introduced a way to construct ClickHouse materialized views that compute sums and counts using the SummingMergeTree engine. The SummingMergeTree can use normal SQL syntax for both types of aggregates. We also let…

ClickHouse® Materialized Views Illuminated, Part 1

ClickHouse® Materialized Views Illuminated, Part 1

Readers of the Altinity blog know we love ClickHouse materialized views. Materialized views can compute aggregates, read data from Kafka, implement last point queries, and reorganize table primary indexes and sort order. Beyond these functional capabilities, materialized views scale well…

Webinar: ClickHouse® and the Magic of Materialized Views

Webinar: ClickHouse® and the Magic of Materialized Views

Materialized views are a killer feature of ClickHouse that can speed up queries 200X or more. Our webinar will teach you how to use this potent tool starting with how to create materialized views and load data. We’ll then walk…