
Webinar: ClickHouse® and the Magic of Materialized Views

Materialized views are a killer feature of ClickHouse that can speed up queries 200X or more. Our webinar will teach you how to use this potent tool starting with how to create materialized views and load data. We’ll then walk through cookbook examples to solve practical problems like deriving aggregates that outlive base data, answering last point queries, and using AggregateFunctions to handle problems like counting unique values, which is a special ClickHouse feature. There will be time for Q&A at the end. At that point you’ll be a wizard of ClickHouse materialized views and able to cast spells of your own.

Speaker Bio:
Robert Hodges is CEO of Altinity, which offers enterprise support for ClickHouse. He has over three decades of experience in data management spanning 20 different DBMS types. ClickHouse is his current favorite.

EDITOR’S NOTE: You can watch more of the magic with Part 2 HERE.

Here are the slides:
