My First ClickHouse® Cluster on GCP

My First ClickHouse® Cluster on GCP

As regular readers of this blog are aware, Altinity.Cloud now supports Google Cloud Platform, also known as GCP. I recently took the new capability out for a spin to see what it’s like to run ClickHouse there.

Meet the Open Source Analytics Community at OSA Con on Nov 2

Meet the Open Source Analytics Community at OSA Con on Nov 2

Our goal was to bring together a diverse set of presentations from the entire open source analytic community, rather than focusing on single projects or applications. We’ve succeeded and here’s just a sample of talks you’ll hear. 

ClickHouse® Object Storage Performance: MinIO vs. AWS S3

ClickHouse® Object Storage Performance: MinIO vs. AWS S3

ClickHouse now fully supports both AWS S3 and MinIO as S3-compatible object storage services. In this comparison, we will test the performance of AWS S3 and MinIO when used to store table data from two of our standard datasets: the…

Integrating ClickHouse® with MinIO

Integrating ClickHouse® with MinIO

In November 2020, Alexander Zaitsev introduced S3-compatible object storage compatibility with ClickHouse. In his article ClickHouse and S3 Compatible Object Storage, he provided steps to use AWS S3 with ClickHouse’s disk storage system and the S3 table function. Now, we…

Monitoring ClickHouse® on Kubernetes with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring ClickHouse® on Kubernetes with Prometheus and Grafana

The ClickHouse Kubernetes operator is great at spinning up data warehouse clusters on Kubernetes. Once they are up, though, how can you see what they are actually doing? It’s time for monitoring!In this article we’ll explore how to configure two…

Altinity and ClickHouse® at KubeCon 2019

Altinity and ClickHouse® at KubeCon 2019

The Altinity team just returned from sponsoring at KubeCon North America in San Diego November 19-21. I would like to thank all the people who visited our booth, especially current customers and ClickHouse users. It’s starting to be a real…

Altinity ClickHouse® Operator at Red Hat’s

Altinity ClickHouse® Operator at Red Hat’s

CoreOS introduced operators for Kubernetes in 2016. A Kubernetes Operator is an application that integrates into Kuberentes and manages other applications. It significantly simplifies deployment and management of cloud native apps by leveraging application specific operational knowledge. Since then operators…

Altinity Has Joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Altinity Has Joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

It is my pleasure to announce that Altinity is now a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). We will also be a sponsor at Kubecon/CloudNativeCon North America 2019 in San Diego 18-21 November.

ClickHouse® at Data Con LA 2019

ClickHouse® at Data Con LA 2019

On August 17 I had the pleasure of presenting at Data Con LA 2019.  My talk was Data Warehouse and Kubernetes:  Lessons from the ClickHouse Operator. It described learnings from our work to enable ClickHouse to run easily on Kubernetes….