Uniting Open Source and Modern Data Stack at OSA CON 2023

Uniting Open Source and Modern Data Stack at OSA CON 2023

OSA CON 2023 brought together creators and users from across the open source analytic community to explore open source, modern data stacks. Dozens of great talks from 53 presenters are now at your fingertips!

OSA Con 2021

Meet the Open Source Analytics Community at OSA Con on Nov 2

Our goal was to bring together a diverse set of presentations from the entire open source analytic community, rather than focusing on single projects or applications. We’ve succeeded and here’s just a sample of talks you’ll hear. 

OSA Con 2021

OSA Con Call for Papers Closing Soon!

OSA Con, our new online conference on open source analytics, is approaching fast! November 2 is just around the corner. Since we announced the conference on August 30, we have received many great proposals. We have already selected a number…

OSA Con 2021

Announcing OSA Con: The Open Source Analytics Conference

Altinity is excited to announce OSA Con, a new conference on open source analytics. We will bring together developers of open source analytic projects with developers who use open source in analytic applications. OSA Con will take place online on…

Call for papers on analytics at Percona Live Online 2021

Call for papers on analytics at Percona Live Online 2021

Do you have an intriguing story to tell about open source and analytic databases? Good news! We have a conference for you. We are looking for great talks. Looking for talks – submit now Altinity is managing the Analytics Track…