Webinar: ClickHouse® on Kubernetes!

Webinar: ClickHouse® on Kubernetes!

Data services are the latest wave of applications to catch the Kubernetes bug. Altinity is pleased to introduce the ClickHouse operator, which makes it easy to run scalable data warehouses on your favorite Kubernetes distro. This webinar shows how to…

Webinar: A Fast Intro to Fast Query with ClickHouse®

Webinar: A Fast Intro to Fast Query with ClickHouse®

Extracting business insight from massive pools of machine-generated data is the central analytic problem of the digital era. ClickHouse data warehouse addresses it with sub-second SQL query response on petabyte-scale data sets. In this talk we’ll discuss the features that…

ClickHouse® Meetup at Cloudflare. Recap

ClickHouse® Meetup at Cloudflare. Recap

The ClickHouse Meetup at Cloudflare went great! It was a pleasure to see old friends and to meet new people enthusiastic about ClickHouse. Robert Hodges gave an intro talk about the ClickHouse execution model and how it contributes to rapid…

New Year Greetings from Altinity and Stable Release Update

New Year Greetings from Altinity and Stable Release Update

Altinity greets everybody with a New Year 2019! As a small gift to our friends we are happy to announce ClickHouse 18.14.19 Altinity Stable release. This is a last stable release in 2018, and funny enough that release minor version…

ClickHouse® RoadMap 2019

ClickHouse® RoadMap 2019

The year 2018 approaches the end. It has been a great year for ClickHouse and the ClickHouse community — a lot of events, new features and interesting projects. Now it is time to see what is next. ClickHouse development team…

ClickHouse® for Time Series Scalability Benchmarks

ClickHouse® for Time Series Scalability Benchmarks

Dec 4, 2018Our previous take on time series benchmarks attracted a lot of interest so we decided to dig into more details. We conducted 3 different ClickHouse scalability tests using the same TSBS dataset and benchmarking infrastructure. In this article…

Altinity Stable ClickHouse® 18.14.15 Release Notice

Altinity Stable ClickHouse® 18.14.15 Release Notice

Altinity is happy to introduce ‘Altinity stable’ ClickHouse release marking. Altinity stable releases undergo additional testing from our side, we carefully monitored community feedback for any issues, as well as operated such releases in some heavy loaded production systems.That being…

ClickHouse® Crushing Time Series

ClickHouse® Crushing Time Series

Nov 15, 2018Once upon a time we spotted TSBS (https://github.com/timescale/tsbs) — Time Series Benchmark Suite, started by InfluxDB engineers and polished to perfection by TimescaleDB team. The suite allows to compare apples-to-apples when testing different databases: it is a framework…

Autumn’s Newsletter

Autumn’s Newsletter

It’s been a while, but we promise we’ve been busy. Since our last update, ClickHouse grew up a lot, there were many new features and enhancements, some of them we reviewed in our blog, others are still waiting for somebody…

ClickHouse® Meetup in Paris Recap

ClickHouse® Meetup in Paris Recap

October for us started strong with a successful ClickHouse meetup in Paris. The purpose of the event was to talk about ClickHouse, an open-source column-store analytics DBMS – its features, roadmap, use cases, meet local ClickHouse users, hear talks from ClickHouse…

ClickHouse® Releases: Upgrade or not Upgrade

ClickHouse® Releases: Upgrade or not Upgrade

ClickHouse team has released 1.1.54385 version recently. This is yet another bugfixing update in a row of small updates that followed 1.1.54378 release from mid-April. Unfortunately, ClickHouse test coverage is not perfect, and sometimes new features are accompanied by disappointing…