Cut Compute Costs by Scaling ClickHouse® Servers to Zero on Kubernetes

Cut Compute Costs by Scaling ClickHouse® Servers to Zero on Kubernetes

Learn how to significantly reduce compute costs for ClickHouse servers on Kubernetes by leveraging the Altinity Kubernetes Operator. Discover the ‘stop: yes’ property to turn off ClickHouse pods, preserve storage, and save money on business-hours-only clusters.

Fixing the Dreaded ClickHouse® Crash Loop on Kubernetes

Fixing the Dreaded ClickHouse® Crash Loop on Kubernetes

As countless ClickHouse users have learned, Kubernetes is a great platform for data. It’s portable to almost every IT environment. But there’s still the occasional dark cloud. One of these is pod crash loops, which arise when a ClickHouse pod…

Webinar: Analyzing Billion Row Datasets with ClickHouse®

Webinar: Analyzing Billion Row Datasets with ClickHouse®

This talk shows how to get a sub-second response from datasets containing a billion rows or more. We’ll start with defining schema and loading quickly data in parallel. We will then introduce tricks like LowCardinality datatype, ASOF joins, and materialized…

Webinar: ClickHouse® on Kubernetes!

Webinar: ClickHouse® on Kubernetes!

Data services are the latest wave of applications to catch the Kubernetes bug. Altinity is pleased to introduce the ClickHouse operator, which makes it easy to run scalable data warehouses on your favorite Kubernetes distro. This webinar shows how to…