All About Zookeeper (And ClickHouse® Keeper, too!)

All About Zookeeper (And ClickHouse® Keeper, too!)

ClickHouse clusters depend on ZooKeeper to handle replication and distributed DDL commands. In this webinar, we’ll explain why ZooKeeper is necessary, how it works, and introduce the new built-in replacement.

Altinity Quickstart for ClickHouse®! Build Your First App

Altinity Quickstart for ClickHouse®! Build Your First App

About to build your first analytic app on ClickHouse? Altinity Quickstart for ClickHouse (formerly ClickHouse Bootcamp) is for you. We’ll teach you what you need to know, from installation to connecting to BI tools and Kafka.

Real-time, Exactly-once Data Ingestion from Kafka to ClickHouse® at eBay

Real-time, Exactly-once Data Ingestion from Kafka to ClickHouse® at eBay

eBay depends on Kafka to solve the impedance mismatch between rapidly arriving messages in event streams and efficient block insert into ClickHouse clusters. Naïve loading procedures from Kafka to ClickHouse generate non-deterministic blocks, leading to data loss and incorrect results…

Fun with ClickHouse® Window Functions

Fun with ClickHouse® Window Functions

Window functions have arrived in ClickHouse! Our webinar will start with an introduction to standard window function syntax and show how it is implemented in ClickHouse. We’ll next show you problems that you can now solve easily using window functions….

Merging Predictive Analytics and ClickHouse® Database

Merging Predictive Analytics and ClickHouse® Database

Predictive analytics are popular in applications ranging from real-time marketing to factory maintenance. The key challenge is to integrate machine learning with the pools of data required to train models. In this webinar, we will show how to operate machine…