What is ClickHouse®?

ClickHouse is a fast, open-source columnar database management system optimized for real-time analytics. Trusted by leading companies, ClickHouse allows you to generate analytical reports using SQL queries in real-time. Whether you’re managing petabytes of data or handling thousands of queries per second, ClickHouse delivers unmatched performance.

Evaluating ClickHouse? Altinity can help you evaluate different databases. We discuss your use case and see if ClickHouse could fit your requirements. Learn more about ClickHouse POC and evaluative support.

Why ClickHouse?

  • High Throughput: Process billions of rows per second.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Get immediate insights without delays.
  • Scale Out Easily: Seamlessly grow from a single server to a distributed cluster.
  • Efficient Storage: Store more data while maintaining high performance.
  • SQL Compatibility: Use familiar SQL syntax for querying data.

Who’s Using ClickHouse?

Join industry leaders like Apple, Uber, and CloudFlare who rely on ClickHouse for their critical data needs. The open source database powers analytics for companies handling massive datasets and high query volumes.

Get Started in Minutes

  • Easy Setup: Install ClickHouse on your favorite platform in just a few steps. How to get started
  • Comprehensive Guides: Detailed documentation to help you every step of the way. Read Docs
  • Join the Altinity Community for ClickHouse: Engage with other users and developers in our active community forums. Join now
  • Professional Support: Access expert help when you need it. Learn more

Try ClickHouse Today

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5 star rating
5 star rating
Switching to ClickHouse has allowed us to reduce costs, improve performance, as well as unlock features we would have never been able to deliver with existing systems.  ClickHouse has successfully replaced several of our systems, both internal and customer-facing, and has become Mux’s default for analytics workloads.
Adam Brown
CTO, Mux.com

Get Your Free Consultation with a ClickHouse Expert.

Altinity can help you determine if ClickHouse fits your requirements, and we’ll show you the key benefits of using ClickHouse for your specific data analytics application.