Merging Predictive Analytics and ClickHouse® Database

Merging Predictive Analytics and ClickHouse® Database

Predictive analytics are popular in applications ranging from real-time marketing to factory maintenance. The key challenge is to integrate machine learning with the pools of data required to train models. In this webinar, we will show how to operate machine…

ClickHouse® Data Integration — September 2020 Meetup Report

ClickHouse® Data Integration — September 2020 Meetup Report

Our last ClickHouse SF Bay Area meetup was on September 10th and focused on data integration. This turned out to be a popular subject. We had well over 100 signups with 59 people in attendance. This article summarizes the talks…

Machine Learning Models as Tables

Machine Learning Models as Tables

The MindsDB team has come up with a creative way to integrate machine learning models with ClickHouse. We’re delighted to share it on the Altinity Blog.