How To Configure A ‘Kerberized’ Kafka Deployment For ClickHouse®

How To Configure A ‘Kerberized’ Kafka Deployment For ClickHouse®

Learn how to configure Kerberos for Kafka and ClickHouse to benefit from a centralized authentication and authorization service. This article explains how to deploy Kafka, Zookeeper and Clickhouse and configure them to authenticate via Kerberos showcasing the process with a…

Real-time, Exactly-once Data Ingestion from Kafka to ClickHouse® at eBay

Real-time, Exactly-once Data Ingestion from Kafka to ClickHouse® at eBay

eBay depends on Kafka to solve the impedance mismatch between rapidly arriving messages in event streams and efficient block insert into ClickHouse clusters. Naïve loading procedures from Kafka to ClickHouse generate non-deterministic blocks, leading to data loss and incorrect results…

ClickHouse Kafka Engine Tutorial

ClickHouse Kafka Engine Tutorial

Our colleague Mikhail Filimonov just published an excellent ClickHouse Kafka Engine FAQ. It provides users with answers to common questions about using stable versions, configuration parameters, standard SQL definitions, and many other topics. Even experienced users are likely to learn…

ClickHouse® Kafka Engine FAQ

ClickHouse® Kafka Engine FAQ

Kafka is a popular way to stream data into ClickHouse. ClickHouse has a built-in connector for this purpose — the Kafka engine. This article collects typical questions that we get in our support cases regarding the Kafka engine usage. We…

ClickHouse® Altinity Stable release update for Kafka users

ClickHouse® Altinity Stable release update for Kafka users

Important notice for our beloved Apache Kafka users. We continue to improve Kafka engine reliability, performance and usability, and as a part of this entertaining process we have released Altinity Stable ClickHouse release. This release supersedes the previous stable…