Deep Dive on ClickHouse® Sharding and Replication

Deep Dive on ClickHouse® Sharding and Replication

ClickHouse works out of the box on a single machine but gets complicated in a cluster. ClickHouse provides two scaling-out dimensions | sharding and replication | and understanding when and how those should be applied is vital for production and…

Eureka! 8 developer tricks for running ClickHouse® on Kubernetes

Eureka! 8 developer tricks for running ClickHouse® on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a great platform for ClickHouse with many success stories. What are the tricks that make it possible? This webinar shows 8 practices to help ClickHouse developers build faster and more cost-efficient analytics on Kubernetes. We’ll start with using…



FOSDEM was a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas, and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open-source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. Our CEO, Robert Hodges was…

ClickHouse® and Apache Parquet: Past, Present, and Future

ClickHouse® and Apache Parquet: Past, Present, and Future

Apache Parquet, a popular columnar storage format, has become a linchpin for data-driven organizations seeking efficient and scalable solutions. ClickHouse can read and write Parquet data at very high speeds which allows interesting integration capability. In this webinar, we will…

Safety First! Using clickhouse-backup for ClickHouse® Backup and Restore

Safety First! Using clickhouse-backup for ClickHouse® Backup and Restore

Backups protect ClickHouse data in cases ranging from accidentally dropping a database to data centers burning down. In this webinar, we’ll compare available backup options for ClickHouse,  then zero in on clickhouse-backup, a popular open-source project that Altinity maintains. The presentation…

Farewell 2022, Welcome 2023!

Farewell 2022, Welcome 2023!

2022 is almost over. Santa Claus is decorating his sleigh for the holiday voyage, and people all around the world are preparing to celebrate the new year. Let’s have a seat and take a quick look back to what Altinity…

Introduction to ClickHouse® Backups and clickhouse-backup

Introduction to ClickHouse® Backups and clickhouse-backup

Data backups are an inglorious but vital part of IT operations. They are most challenging in “big data” deployments, such as analytics databases. This article will explore the plumbing involved in backing up ClickHouse and introduce the clickhouse-backup tool for…