
Migrating from Druid to Next-Gen OLAP on ClickHouse: eBay’s Experience

September 23, 2020 | 10 am PST /  7 pm CEST
with Sudeep Kumar – MTS 2, eBay and Rober Hodges – CEO, Altinity

In this webinar, we’ll talk about our experience building a next-generation OLAP capability for eBay event data using Clickhouse and realizing large infrastructure savings compared to the previous-generation solution built on Druid. eBay’s centralized observability platform provides the ability to observe/monitor its infrastructure and systems using telemetry data like metrics, logs, traces and events. Events typically represent interesting occurrences within the eBay infrastructure. These include exceptions, restarts, deployments, etc. The ability to aggregate these events for correlation and analysis is a core requirement of the platform. Given the scale of eBay, this requires a highly scalable, performant and reliable Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) engine. Join us to hear the whole story!
