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The Analytics Easy Button, or: How to Deploy ClickHouse® Services with Terraform, Helm, or Argo CD

Push-button deployment is the holy grail of analytic platforms, but what’s the right path to fulfill your quest? In this webinar, we’ll show the standard ways to deploy scalable, open-source ClickHouse services on Kubernetes using Terraform, Helm, or Argo CD. ...

Showing Beautiful ClickHouse® Data with the Altinity Grafana Plugin

The Altinity Grafana Plugin for ClickHouse® is the most popular plugin for creating dashboards on ClickHouse data with over 16M downloads. In this webinar, we’ll reveal how it works and how you can use it to create flexible, attractive dashboards...

Petabyte-Scale Data in Real-Time: ClickHouse®, S3 Object Storage, and Data Lakes

These days new ClickHouse applications start with petabyte-sized datasets and scale up from there. Fortunately, ClickHouse gives you open-source tools for real-time analytics on big data: MergeTree backed by object storage as well as reading on data lakes. We’ll start...

ClickHouse® Performance Master Class – Tools and Techniques to Speed up any ClickHouse App

ClickHouse gives impressive performance out of the box. Our webinar will show you how to make it amazing. We start by providing a framework for performance that includes basic drivers like I/O and compute, as well as ClickHouse structures like...

Deep Dive on ClickHouse® Sharding and Replication

ClickHouse works out of the box on a single machine but gets complicated in a cluster. ClickHouse provides two scaling-out dimensions | sharding and replication | and understanding when and how those should be applied is vital for production and...

Eureka! 8 developer tricks for running ClickHouse® on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a great platform for ClickHouse with many success stories. What are the tricks that make it possible? This webinar shows 8 practices to help ClickHouse developers build faster and more cost-efficient analytics on Kubernetes. We’ll start with using...


FOSDEM was a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas, and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open-source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. Our CEO, Robert Hodges was...

ClickHouse® and Apache Parquet: Past, Present, and Future

Apache Parquet, a popular columnar storage format, has become a linchpin for data-driven organizations seeking efficient and scalable solutions. ClickHouse can read and write Parquet data at very high speeds which allows interesting integration capability. In this webinar, we will...

Is It Safe? Security Hardening for Databases Using Kubernetes Operators – Robert Hodges, Altinity – KubeCon | CloudNativeCon North America 2023

Thanks to the Operator Pattern, Kubernetes is now an outstanding platform to run databases. But to quote Marathon Man, "Is it safe?" This talk is a top-level review of the database security problem in Kubernetes, standard ways that operators can...

Data on Kubernetes Operator Maturity- Melissa Logan, Michelle Au, Robert Hodges & Gabriele Bartolini – KubeCon | CloudNativeCon North America 2023

Panelists from the Data on Kubernetes Community Operator SIG and CNCF projects will discuss key features of Kubernetes database operators -- what works, what doesn’t, and where the industry is going. Panelists will also present an overview of collaborative projects...

Adventures in Data- Leaning on Kubernetes Storage to Run Hundreds of Real-Time Analytic Databases – Robert Hodges, Altinity – KubeCon | CloudNativeCon North America 2023

Did you know you can implement compute/storage separation with Amazon block storage? Or the NVMe SSD is not always the fastest or most flexible game in town? Perhaps you would like to extend volumes without downtime? What about changing storage...

Building Real-time Analytics on Kubernetes by Robert Hodges – Civo Navigate Europe Conference 2023

Join Robert Hodges, a seasoned programmer with over five decades of experience, as he dives into the world of real-time analytics in Kubernetes, emphasizing the strengths of ClickHouse, his preferred database. Hodges shares his extensive knowledge and practical insights on...