
Fortress ClickHouse®: Secure Your Database and Foil Evildoers in 15 Minutes or Less

Recorded: June 15 @ 10:00 am PT
Presenter: Robert Hodges (CEO @Altinity).

ClickHouse analytic databases contain sensitive data and need protection from hackers. But where to start?

Our webinar shows how to think about ClickHouse security, then walks you through standard methods to secure ClickHouse installations that any developer can apply. For each method, we’ll explain the threat and show how to remediate it, including a demo of the exact steps.

We’ll start easy with eliminating plain text passwords, then work up to encryption, network security, certificate management, role-based access control, and file system protections. Implementing security does not need to take long.

Bring a stopwatch and see if it’s really just 15 minutes!

Here are the slides:

