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ClickHouse® Performance Master Class – Tools and Techniques to Speed up any ClickHouse® App Webinar

ClickHouse® gives impressive performance out of the box. Our webinar will show you how to make it amazing. We start by providing a framework for performance that includes basic drivers like I/O and compute, as well as ClickHouse® structures like compression and indexes. We'll also discuss tools to evaluate performance including ClickHouse® system tables and EXPLAIN. We'll then demonstrate how to evaluate and improve performance for common query use cases ranging from MergeTree data on block storage to Parquet files in data lakes. Join our webinar to become a master at diagnosing query bottlenecks and curing them quickly.

Petabyte-Scale Data in Real-Time: ClickHouse®, S3 Object Storage, and Data Lakes

These days new ClickHouse® applications start with petabyte-sized datasets and scale up from there. Fortunately, ClickHouse® gives you open-source tools for real-time analytics on big data: MergeTree backed by object storage as well as reading on data lakes. We'll start by showing you popular design patterns for ingest, aggregation, and queries on source data. We'll then dig into specific best practices for defining S3 storage policies, reading from Parquet data, backing up, monitoring, and setting up high-performance clusters in the cloud. It's all open source and works in any cloud. Join us!

Building a Kubernetes Platform for Trillion Row Tables– CN Data at Scale

Kubernetes is an amazing platform for data, but it requires focus to deliver production apps, especially if they are large. In this talk I'll share learnings from operating a database SaaS for ClickHouse as well as helping customers do it themselves. We'll describe some of the attributes of large analytic applications, then discuss common approaches to building platforms to operate them. Our talk will cover use of standard tools like Terraform, Helm, and Argo CD, which work together to bring up Kubernetes and the apps that run inside it. Along the way we'll describe various "aha!" experiences, tools, and even team organization to support large database applications on Kubernetes.

Showing Beautiful ClickHouse® Data with the Altinity Grafana Plugin

The Altinity Grafana Plugin for ClickHouse is the most popular plugin for creating dashboards on ClickHouse data with over 15M downloads. In this webinar, we'll reveal how it works and how you can use it to create flexible, attractive dashboards for ClickHouse. We'll also show how you can use the plugin to create custom dashboards for Altinity.Cloud clusters and introduce some cool samples that work on any ClickHouse server. Finally, we'll discuss the roadmap for the plugin.  Join us to learn how to create beautiful data!

The Analytics Easy Button, or: How to Deploy ClickHouse® Services with Terraform, Helm, or Argo CD

Push-button deployment is the holy grail of analytic platforms, but what's the right path to fulfill your quest? In this webinar, we'll show the standard ways to deploy scalable, open-source ClickHouse services on Kubernetes using Terraform, Helm, or Argo CD.  Altinity.Cloud shortcuts to bring up fully managed, supported ClickHouse databases are of course included. Expect demos and working code examples you can nab to create your own easy buttons. From there the analytic possibilities are endless: from Kafka sinks for your entire org to observability pipelines that handle gigabytes of data per second. Join us to see how!

User Management in ClickHouse® Databases: The Unabridged Edition

User management is a key problem in any analytic application. Fortunately, ClickHouse has a rich set of features for authentication and authorization. We're going to tell you about all of them. We'll start with the model: users, profiles, roles, quotas, and row policies. Then we'll show you implementation choices from XML files to SQL commands to external identity providers like LDAP. Finally, we'll talk about features on the horizon to improve ClickHouse security. There will be a sample code plus plenty of time for questions. Join us to learn how to manage your users simply and effectively. 

DevOpsDays Vilnius 2024: Open Source Ecosystem for ClickHouse® on Kubernetes

Discover the open-source tools necessary to deploy, monitor, manage, and utilize your analytical ClickHouse database on Kubernetes. Whether you're using a cloud-managed Kubernetes solution or have your deployment, this talk will provide invaluable insights into navigating the open-source ecosystem for ClickHouse. We will explore the key components needed to seamlessly integrate ClickHouse into your Kubernetes environment and maximize its analytics and data processing potential.
The benefit of the ecosystem: Attendees will gain essential insights into deploying ClickHouse databases on Kubernetes using open-source tools. Whether using cloud-managed Kubernetes or self-deployed environments, join us to streamline your ClickHouse deployment and contribute to enhanced efficiency and innovation in data management within the ecosystem.

Kubernetes Cluster Logging with the OpenTelemetry Collector

Logs may be looked down upon by today’s observability thought leaders, but there is a reason they are the first pillar of observability: there’s a relevant log message at the end of almost every debugging journey! Collecting those logs from applications and infrastructure in a standard format is now trivial thanks to the OpenTelemetry Collector, and we get to keep it in the same format — and potentially the same database — as our other telemetry signals like traces, metrics, and profiles.
In this webinar, we’ll show how to use the OpenTelemetry Collector to gather all application and cluster logs from a Kubernetes cluster. We’ll use ClickHouse to store and query our logs and Grafana to visualize trends. By the end of the session, you’ll have everything you need to standardize your cluster logs on the most forward-looking format available today: OpenTelemetry.

All Things Open 2024: Fast, Cheap, DIY Observability with Open Source Analytics and Visualization

All Things Open 2024 is a technology conference focusing on the tools, processes, and people making open source possible. THis conference's sophisticated and diverse audience is a technical one that includes designers, developers, decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and technologists of all types and skill levels.
Our CEO, Robert Hodges, will be presenting the talk:
Fast, Cheap, DIY Observability with Open Source Analytics and Visualization
Want to build real-time analytics on big data? Think like a distributed systems engineer! Fast, Faster, Fastest: Object Storage, Cloud Block Storage, and SSD in Analytic Databases Introduction to Real-time Analytics on Kubernetes with ClickHouse.


The Open Source Analytics Conference (OSA CON) is the go-to conference for all things open-source analytics. Join the doers of the modern data stack. Want to be part of OSA CON's great speakers? Submit your talk proposals until June 27, 2024.