Accessing ClickHouse® from Excel using Mondrian ROLAP engine

Accessing ClickHouse® from Excel using Mondrian ROLAP engine

ClickHouse is a very powerful database for analytics. Microsoft Excel is one of the world’s most popular business applications. There are several ways to bring ClickHouse data to Excel spreadsheets. In this article we will explain how to connect Excel…

Harnessing the Power of ClickHouse® Arrays – Part 3

Harnessing the Power of ClickHouse® Arrays – Part 3

This final article completes our tour of array capabilities. We’ll survey functions for array map and reduce operations, demonstrating behavior and commenting on performance. This is an opportunity to dig further into lambdas, which are critical for using arrays effectively.

ClickHouse® and S3 Compatible Object Storage

ClickHouse® and S3 Compatible Object Storage

ClickHouse is a polyglot database that can talk to many external systems using dedicated engines or table functions. In modern cloud systems, the most important external system is object storage. It can hold raw data to import from or export…

Harnessing the Power of ClickHouse® Arrays – Part 1

Harnessing the Power of ClickHouse® Arrays – Part 1

ClickHouse contributors regularly add analytic features that go beyond standard SQL. This design approach is common in successful open source projects and reflects a bias toward solving real-world problems creatively. Arrays are a great example.

Introduction to ClickHouse® Backups and clickhouse-backup

Introduction to ClickHouse® Backups and clickhouse-backup

Data backups are an inglorious but vital part of IT operations. They are most challenging in “big data” deployments, such as analytics databases. This article will explore the plumbing involved in backing up ClickHouse and introduce the clickhouse-backup tool for…

ClickHouse Kafka Engine Tutorial

ClickHouse Kafka Engine Tutorial

Our colleague Mikhail Filimonov just published an excellent ClickHouse Kafka Engine FAQ. It provides users with answers to common questions about using stable versions, configuration parameters, standard SQL definitions, and many other topics. Even experienced users are likely to learn…

ClickHouse® Kafka Engine FAQ

ClickHouse® Kafka Engine FAQ

Kafka is a popular way to stream data into ClickHouse. ClickHouse has a built-in connector for this purpose — the Kafka engine. This article collects typical questions that we get in our support cases regarding the Kafka engine usage. We…

Handling Real-Time Updates in ClickHouse®

Handling Real-Time Updates in ClickHouse®

Mutable data is generally unwelcome in OLAP databases. ClickHouse is no exception to the rule. Like some other OLAP products, ClickHouse did not even support updates originally. Later on, updates were added, but like many other things they were added…

Five Ways to Handle as-of Queries in ClickHouse®

Five Ways to Handle as-of Queries in ClickHouse®

A common use case in time series applications is to get the measurement value at a given point of time. For example, if there is a stream of measurements, one often needs to query the measurement as of current time…

Putting Things Where They Belong Using New TTL Moves

Putting Things Where They Belong Using New TTL Moves

Multi-volume storage is crucial in many use cases. It helps to reduce storage costs as well as improves query performance by allowing placement of the most critical application data on the fastest storage devices. Monitoring data is a classic use…