Using Version 2.0 of the Altinity ClickHouse® Sink Connector

Using Version 2.0 of the Altinity ClickHouse® Sink Connector

The Altinity ClickHouse Sink Connector is a great way to add sophisticated analytics to your organization with minimal impact to your production MySQL or PostgreSQL system. In this article, we’ll start a test environment and put the Sink Connector to…

Announcing Version 2.0 of the Altinity ClickHouse® Sink Connector

Announcing Version 2.0 of the Altinity ClickHouse® Sink Connector

Altinity released version 2.0 of the Altinity ClickHouse Sink Connector is here! This open-source, Apache 2.0-licensed project lets you mirror changes from a MySQL or PostgreSQL database into ClickHouse. Read more about the new features in this blog.

Open Source Software at Altinity

Open Source Software at Altinity

Since its inception, Altinity has contributed to and maintained many open source projects that are accelerating ClickHouse development and adoption. Read our open source story!

ClickHouse® Data Integration — September 2020 Meetup Report

ClickHouse® Data Integration — September 2020 Meetup Report

Our last ClickHouse SF Bay Area meetup was on September 10th and focused on data integration. This turned out to be a popular subject. We had well over 100 signups with 59 people in attendance. This article summarizes the talks…

ClickHouse® and ProxySQL queries rewrite

ClickHouse® and ProxySQL queries rewrite

ProxySQL is a popular open source, high performance and protocol-aware proxy server for MySQL and its forks. Since September 2017 ProxySQL supports ClickHouse as a backend, so clients can connect to ClickHouse via MySQL protocol. In practice, this helps MySQL-aware…

Realtime replication from MySQL to ClickHouse® in practice

July 2, 2018Vladislav Klimenko from Altinity and Valery Panov from Ivinco presented a talk at HighLoad Siberia 2018 conference recently. They described the real problem that Ivinco faced and how it has been solved with migration of analytics from MySQL…

Analyze MySQL Audit Logs with ClickHouse® and ClickTail

Analyze MySQL Audit Logs with ClickHouse® and ClickTail

In this blog post, I’ll look at how you can analyze MySQL audit logs (Percona Server for MySQL) with ClickHouse and ClickTail.  Audit logs are available with a free plugin for Percona Server for MySQL. Besides providing insights about activity on…

Archiving MySQL Tables in ClickHouse®

Archiving MySQL Tables in ClickHouse®

Why Archive? Hard drives are cheap nowadays, but storing lots of data in MySQL is not practical and can cause all sorts of performance bottlenecks. In this article Percona’s blogger Alexander Rubin is talking about archiving MySQL tables in ClickHouse for storage and…

Aggregate MySQL data at high speed with ClickHouse®

Aggregate MySQL data at high speed with ClickHouse®

Feb 12, 2018There are multiple ways how ClickHouse and MySQL can work together. External Dictionaries, ProxySQL support or [realtime streaming] of MySQL binary logs into ClickHouse. A few weeks ago ClickHouse team has released mysql() table function that allows to…