Bay Area ClickHouse® Week is Coming (Apr 23-27)

Bay Area ClickHouse® Week is Coming (Apr 23-27)

Great news for San Francisco Bay Area: ClickHouse is coming. The week of April 22nd is going to be entertaining for ClickHouse adopters and newcomers: Percona Live conference talks, two ClickHouse meetups, meetings with ClickHouse developers and Altinity team –…

ClickTail Introduction

ClickTail Introduction

Altinity is happy to introduce ClickTail — an easy to use tool for ingesting log file data into ClickHouse and making it available for exploration. Its favorite format is JSON, but it understands how to parse a range of other well-known log…

Archiving MySQL Tables in ClickHouse®

Archiving MySQL Tables in ClickHouse®

Why Archive? Hard drives are cheap nowadays, but storing lots of data in MySQL is not practical and can cause all sorts of performance bottlenecks. In this article Percona’s blogger Alexander Rubin is talking about archiving MySQL tables in ClickHouse for storage and…

Aggregate MySQL data at high speed with ClickHouse®

Aggregate MySQL data at high speed with ClickHouse®

Feb 12, 2018There are multiple ways how ClickHouse and MySQL can work together. External Dictionaries, ProxySQL support or [realtime streaming] of MySQL binary logs into ClickHouse. A few weeks ago ClickHouse team has released mysql() table function that allows to…

Updating/Deleting Rows From Clickhouse® (Part 2)

Updating/Deleting Rows From Clickhouse® (Part 2)

Jervin Real is a Senior Consultant and blogger working for Percona. In this post, Jervin looks at updating and deleting rows with ClickHouse. It’s the second of two parts.

Updating/Deleting Rows with ClickHouse® (Part 1)

Updating/Deleting Rows with ClickHouse® (Part 1)

Jan 23, 2018Jervin Real is a Senior Consultant and blogger working for Percona.In this post, Jervin looks at updating and deleting rows with ClickHouse. It’s the first of two parts.

ClickHouse® for Machine Learning

ClickHouse® for Machine Learning

Jan 18, 2018ClickHouse is very flexible and can be used for various use cases. One of the most interesting technology areas now is machine learning, and ClickHouse fits nicely there as very fast datasource. A few months ago ClickHouse team…

ClickHouse Roadmap 2018

ClickHouse Roadmap 2018

ClickHouse development team is known for lack of published development plans. Sometimes they disclose plans responding to questions and bug reports, but more often discuss the roadmap at meetups. In this article we describe ‘secret’ 2018 roadmap that has been…

ClickHouse® releases 1.1.54318 and 1.1.54327

ClickHouse® releases 1.1.54318 and 1.1.54327

The new deb packages are available from Yandex repo and RPMs from Altinity repo. ClickHouse release 1.1.54327 Dec 21,2017 This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54318: Fixed bug with possible race condition in replication that could lead…

Logstash with ClickHouse®

Logstash with ClickHouse®

Dec 18, 2017  There are many cases where ClickHouse is a good or even the best solution for storing analytics data. One common example is web servers logs processing. In this article, we guide you through Nginx web server example…

Big Data Analysis in Digital Marketing Research

Big Data Analysis in Digital Marketing Research

Dec 6, 2017Christian Hotz-Behofsits, Teaching & Research Associate at Vienna University of Business and Economics, is one of the creators of RClickhouse package for R that we have recently introduced on our blog. In this article he describes data analysis…

MySQL to ClickHouse® data migration and replication

MySQL to ClickHouse® data migration and replication

Altinity has developed an open source clickhouse-mysql tool that helps to migrate existing MySQL table to ClickHouse and setup realtime replication of changes (INSERTS only). Here we review necessary steps using a simple example.