
ClickHouse® User Security Instructional Videos Now Available


Hello, all new and experienced ClickHouse users!  Our latest Altinity instructional videos have arrived, and this time they show how to harden ClickHouse security for users.

3 part series on ClickHouse Security

In this three-part series, I demonstrate how to use the built-in ClickHouse security tools to secure user passwords, limit users to specific networks, restrict what data they have access to, and how many resources they can use while they access it.

Each tutorial is based on the Altinity ClickHouse Hardening Guide on the Altinity Documentation site.  Use the videos to see what to do, and refer to the written guides to copy and paste the commands right into your ClickHouse environment.

Topics in the video series include:

If you’re serious about the security of your ClickHouse environment, then this video series will help you tighten down your users to just what data they need, where they can access it from, and ensure their passwords are encrypted.

Check it out, and leave some feedback on what you’d like to see next to help you get the most out of ClickHouse, and keep it safe.
