Using the Altinity Grafana Plugin for ClickHouse® in Grafana Cloud

Using the Altinity Grafana Plugin for ClickHouse® in Grafana Cloud

The Altinity Grafana plugin for ClickHouse makes it easy to use the world’s best open-source observability platform to visualize data from the world’s best open-source analytics database. First released in 2017, the Altinity plugin is mature and the most popular,…

Using Version 2.0 of the Altinity ClickHouse® Sink Connector

Using Version 2.0 of the Altinity ClickHouse® Sink Connector

The Altinity ClickHouse Sink Connector is a great way to add sophisticated analytics to your organization with minimal impact to your production MySQL or PostgreSQL system. In this article, we’ll start a test environment and put the Sink Connector to…

Using Kubernetes Secrets and Environment Variables in Altinity.Cloud

Using Kubernetes Secrets and Environment Variables in Altinity.Cloud

Configuring ClickHouse often involves authentication tokens, credentials, and other sensitive information. Altinity.Cloud has great integration with Kubernetes Secrets and environment variables. In this post we’ll show how easy it is to use the Altinity Cloud Manager (ACM) to integrate the…