

Recorded: February 3 & 4
Presenter: Robert Hodges

FOSDEM was a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas, and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open-source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels.

Our CEO, Robert Hodges was one of the speakers at this conference on the 4th of February. His talk revealed the features of the Monitoring & Observability Devroom.

The FOSDEM event is a free and non-commercial conference organized by the community for the community. The goal is to provide free and open-source software developers and communities a place to meet to:

  • get in touch with other developers and projects;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the free software world;
  • be informed about the latest developments in the open-source world;
  • attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by project leaders and committers;
  • to promote the development and benefits of free software and open-source solutions.

Here are the recording and the presentation slides of Robert’s talk at FOSDEM:
