ClickHouse® releases 1.1.54318 and 1.1.54327

ClickHouse® releases 1.1.54318 and 1.1.54327

The new deb packages are available from Yandex repo and RPMs from Altinity repo. ClickHouse release 1.1.54327 Dec 21,2017 This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54318: Fixed bug with possible race condition in replication that could lead…

ClickHouse® release 1.1.54310

ClickHouse® release 1.1.54310

The new deb packages are available from Yandex repo and RPMs from Altinity repo. New features: Custom partitioning key for the MergeTree family of table engines. Kafka table engine. Added support for loading CatBoost models and applying them to data…

ClickHouse® release 1.1.54292

ClickHouse® release 1.1.54292

The new deb packages are available from Yandex repo and RPMs from Altinity repo. New features: Added the pointInPolygon function for working with coordinates on a coordinate plane. Added the sumMap aggregate function for calculating the sum of arrays, similar…

ClickHouse® release 1.1.54289

ClickHouse® release 1.1.54289

The new deb packages are available from Yandex repo and RPMs from Altinity repo. New features: SYSTEM queries for server administration: SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY, SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARIES, SYSTEM DROP DNS CACHE, SYSTEM SHUTDOWN, SYSTEM KILL. Added functions for working with…

Altinity ClickHouse® Repository

Altinity ClickHouse® Repository

We are pleased to announce that Altinity repository hosting ClickHouse RHEL/CentOS RPMs as well as packages for Fedora is available at packagecloud