ClickHouse releases 1.1.54318 and 1.1.54327


The new deb packages are available from Yandex repo and RPMs from Altinity repo.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54327

Dec 21,2017
This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54318:

Fixed bug with possible race condition in replication that could lead to data loss. This issue affects versions 1.1.54310 and 1.1.54318. If you use one of these versions with Replicated tables, the update is strongly recommended. This issue shows in logs in Warning messages like Part ... from own log doesn't exist. The issue is relevant even if you don’t see these messages in logs.

ClickHouse release 1.1.54318

Nov 30,2017
This release contains bug fixes for the previous release 1.1.54310:

  • Fixed incorrect row deletions during merges in the SummingMergeTree engine
  • Fixed a memory leak in unreplicated MergeTree engines
  • Fixed performance degradation with frequent inserts in MergeTree engines
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the replication queue to stop running
  • Fixed rotation and archiving of server logs

